Monday, January 16, 2012

Gingrich hits Romney for speaking French despite having doctorate in European history (Daily Caller)

Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich hits rival Mitt Romney in a new ad, saying at one point, ?just like John Kerry, he speaks French, too.?

But it may not be Gingrich?s best line of attack considering the former professor has a doctorate in European history from Tulane.

And Gingrich?s 1971 dissertation?? ?Belgian Education Politcy in the Congo 1945-1960? ? contains a multitude of sources in French in his bibliography.

Gingrich?s ad is called ?The French Connection? and compares Romney to Massachusetts liberals who have run for president like Sen. John Kerry and former Gov. Michael Dukakis.

A Gingrich spokesman didn?t immediately return a request for comment from The Daily Caller on this irony.

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