Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Family Home and Life: The Pantry for Mason Jar Monday

Well we have had some fun with our Mason jars haven't we ladies? Some of us emailed back and forth and decided we waited to expand on our Mason jar gifts to include anyone who wanted to join in. We put together a list of suggest guidelines to follow so we could keep it all somewhat uniform. I have also added a Pantry linky for anyone participating in Mason Jar Monday to place their jar into 'the Pantry'. There will be a permanent link in my side bar for this Pantry post so you can find it anytime; just look for the photo below.

*the Pantry and Mason Jar Monday guidelines*

Please share with us! This is a link up for participants of Mason Jar Monday. Mason Jar Monday was started by grandparent blogger friends as a way to give virtual gifts to each other as?we all live miles apart. It is becoming a fun way to share gifts online and we are inviting all bloggers and non-bloggers to participate with us. We ask that you follow some simple rules to participate as stated below.? Once you have done the required steps to give your gift, come back here and add your gift to the Pantry.? Non-bloggers may email a photo of the gift to Family Home and Life. Please remember this Pantry linky is only for gifts given on Mason Jar Monday.
  • Use any size or color Mason, Ball, Kerr, or other canning jar as the base of a homemade gift (the entire gift does not have to be in the jar) to present to someone either in person or in an virtual online picture.
  • Post a picture of the gift on your site on a MONDAY only.? Use "Mason Jar Monday" as all or part of the title.? Identify the recipient, and post a link to their site. Comment at the recipient's blog to say that a gift awaits at your site. Link back to your post.
  • Once the recipient has ?received? their gift and acknowledged it, you then can place it in the Pantry at Family Home and Life?s Pantry linking back to your post of your Mason Jar Monday gift.
  • Non-bloggers may photograph a gift, present it, and then email the picture to Family Home and Life; include giver and recipient?s first name. Family Home and Life will then add it to the pantry.
  • Submitted gift designs must be your work. Please do not post pictures from any other blog or site. To do so is to violate copyright law.
*Update: also participating today in Mason Jar Monday; The Homespun and What Happens at Grandma's. Stop over to see what they have.

If you are reading this post anywhere else but at Family Home and Life it was used without permission.Copyright? Family Home and Life 2012 All Rights Reserved

Source: http://www.familyhomeandlife.com/2012/08/the-pantry-for-mason-jar-monday.html

west virginia university michele bachmann jessica biel tim howard west virginia rob roy gaslight

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