Thursday, February 28, 2013

In probing mysteries of glass, researchers find a key to toughness

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

In a paper published online Feb. 26 in the journal Nature Communications, a Yale University team and collaborators propose a way of predicting whether a given glass will be brittle or ductile ? a desirable property typically associated with metals like steel or aluminum ? and assert that any glass could have either quality.

Ductility refers to a material's plasticity, or its ability to change shape without breaking.

"Most of us think of glasses as brittle, but our finding shows that any glass can be made ductile or brittle," said Jan Schroers, a professor of mechanical engineering and materials science at Yale, who led the research with Golden Kumar, a professor at Texas Tech University. "We identified a special temperature that tells you whether you form a ductile or brittle glass."

The key to forming a ductile glass, they said, is cooling it fast. Exactly how fast depends on the nature of the specific glass.

Focusing on a new group of glasses known as bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) ? metal alloys, or blends, that can be extremely pliable yet also as strong as steel ? researchers studied the effect of a so-called critical fictive temperature (CFT) on the glasses' mechanical properties at room temperature.

When forming from liquid, there is a temperature at which glass becomes too viscous for reconfiguration and freezes. This temperature is called the glass transition temperature. Based on experiments with three representative bulk metallic glasses, the researchers said there is also, for each distinct alloy, a critical temperature that determines the brittleness or plasticity of the glass. This is the CFT.

Researchers said it's possible to categorize glasses in two groups ? those that will be brittle because in liquid form their CFT is above the glass transition temperature, and those that will be ductile, because in liquid form their CFT is below the glass transition temperature.

They previously thought a liquid's chemical composition alone would determine whether a glass would be brittle or ductile.

"That's not the case," Schroers said. "We can make any glass theoretically ductile or brittle. And it is the critical fictive temperature which determines how experimentally difficult it is to make a ductile glass. That is the major contribution of this work."

The finding applies theoretically to all glasses, not metallic glasses only, he said.

"A glass can have completely different properties depending on the rate at which you cool it," Schroers said. "If you cool it fast, it is very ductile, and if you cool it slow it?s very brittle. We anticipate that our finding will contribute to the design of ductile glasses, and in general contribute to a deeper understanding of glass formation."


Yale University:

Thanks to Yale University for this article.

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Samsung Electronics says loses a Japan patent lawsuit to Apple

MADRID, Feb 27 (Reuters) - Lionel Messi has rarely been accused of failing to deliver in big games, having scored in two European Cup finals, but after subdued performances against AC Milan and Real Madrid, questions are being asked. The four-times World Player of the Year and leading scorer in one of the greatest club teams of all time, was a shadow of his usual self at the San Siro in a Champions League last-16 first leg last week, when Barcelona slumped to a 2-0 defeat. ...


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A plane may not be the place for the Harlem Shake

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) ? The latest craze to sweep the Internet is bringing college students the wrong kind of attention ? from the Federal Aviation Administration.

During a flight from Colorado Springs to San Diego, a group of students started the Harlem Shake, a dance to a song of the same name.

In the suddenly popular YouTube videos, one person starts dancing, then the video cuts to a large group of people dancing, many in costume.

Matt Zelin, a sophomore, told the Colorado College newspaper, The Catalyst ( ), he asked a flight attendant for permission beforehand.

FAA spokesman Allen Kenitzer said Thursday they're looking at what phase the flight was in during the dance in the aisles.

Frontier Airlines says the seatbelt sign was off and safety measures were followed.

Source: Kohls Black Friday

Senate Democrats, GOP to stage votes on rival cuts

FILE - In this Feb. 26, 2013 file photo, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nev. speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. President Barack Obama will meet Friday with the top leaders in the House and Senate to discuss what to do about automatic cuts to the federal budget, White House and congressional leaders said. The meeting is set to take place hours after the $85 billion in across-the-board cuts will have officially kicked in. This suggests both sides are operating under the assumption a deal won't be reached to avert the cuts ahead of the March 1 deadline. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

FILE - In this Feb. 26, 2013 file photo, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nev. speaks on Capitol Hill in Washington. President Barack Obama will meet Friday with the top leaders in the House and Senate to discuss what to do about automatic cuts to the federal budget, White House and congressional leaders said. The meeting is set to take place hours after the $85 billion in across-the-board cuts will have officially kicked in. This suggests both sides are operating under the assumption a deal won't be reached to avert the cuts ahead of the March 1 deadline. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File)

(AP) ? Across-the-board spending cuts all but certain, Republicans and Democrats in the Senate are staging a politically charged showdown designed to avoid public blame for any resulting inconvenience or disruption in government services.

The two parties drafted alternative measures to replace the cuts, but officials conceded in advance the rival measures were doomed.

At the White House, President Barack Obama invited congressional leaders to discuss the issue with him on Friday ? deadline day for averting the cuts, which would slash $85 billion from the military and domestic programs alike.

Democrats controlling the Senate are pushing a $110 billion plan that would block the cuts through the end of the year. They would carve 5 percent from domestic agencies and 8 percent from the Pentagon but would leave several major programs alone, including Social Security, Medicaid and food stamps, while limiting the cuts to Medicare to a 2 percent reduction to health care providers like doctors and hospitals.

The Democratic plan proposes $27.5 billion in future-year cuts in defense spending, elimination of a program of direct payments to certain farmers, and a minimum tax rate on income exceeding $1 million as the main elements of an alternative to the immediate and bruising automatic cuts, known in Washington-speak as a "sequester."

Republicans were sure to kill the Democratic alternative with a filibuster. They were poised to offer an alternative of their own that would give Obama the authority to propose a rewrite to the 2013 budget to redistribute the cuts. Obama would be unable to cut defense by more than the $43 billion reduction that the Pentagon faces and would be unable to raise taxes to undo the cuts.

The idea is that money could be transferred from lower-priority accounts to accounts funding air traffic control or meat inspection. The White House says such moves would offer only slight relief, but they could take pressure off Congress to address the sequester.

Democrats are sure to vote the GOP measure down. Both the House and the Senate are set to send their members home Thursday afternoon, even as the deadline to avoid the cuts looms the next day. Though bound to fail, the rival votes will allow both sides to claim they tried to address the cuts even as they leave them in place and exit Washington for a long weekend.

Obama on Wednesday summoned top congressional leaders for a White House meeting on Friday. Given longstanding, intractable differences over Obama's insistence that new tax revenues help replace the cuts, the meeting was not expected to produce a breakthrough.

Another topic for Friday's discussion is how to avoid Washington's next crisis, which threatens a government shutdown after March 27, when a six-month spending bill enacted last year expires.

Republicans are planning for a vote next week on a bill to fund the day-to-day operations of the government through the Sept. 30 end of the 2013 fiscal year, while keeping in place the $85 billion in automatic cuts.

The need to keep the government's doors open and lights on ? or else suffer the first government shutdown since 1996 ? requires the GOP-dominated House and the Democratic-controlled Senate to agree. Right now they hardly see eye to eye.

The House GOP plan, unveiled to the rank and file Wednesday, would award the Pentagon and the Veterans Affairs Department with their line-by-line budgets, for a more-targeted rather than indiscriminate batch of military cuts.

But it would deny domestic agencies the same treatment, which has whipped up opposition from veteran Democratic senators on the Appropriations Committee. Domestic agencies would see their budgets frozen, which would mean no money for new initiatives such as cybersecurity or for routine increases for programs such as low-income housing.

"We're not going to do that," said Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa. "Of course not."

By freezing budgets for domestic agencies, the Republican plan would also deny additional money to modernize the U.S. nuclear arsenal and to build new Coast Guard cutters. GOP initiatives such as more money for the Small Business Administration or fossil fuels research would be hurt as well, but there's little appetite for the alternative, which is to stack more than $1 trillion worth of spending bills together for a single up-or-down vote.

The GOP move to add the line-by-line spending bills for the Pentagon and veterans programs to the catchall spending bill would give the military much-sought increases for force readiness and the VA additional funding for health care.

But that approach has few fans in the White House, which is seeking money to implement Obama's signature efforts to overhaul financial regulation and the nation's health care system, or the Democratic Senate, where veteran members of the Appropriations Committee want to add a stack of bills covering domestic priorities like homeland security, NASA and federal law enforcement agencies like the FBI.

"You need balance," said Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. "We feel as strongly about the domestic side as we do defense."

Associated Press


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Fitness Secret of Mahaakshay Chakraborty - Food Fitness Life Love

Posted by Jitesh Manaktala on Feb 28, 2013 in Celebrity Articles, Featured, Health & FitnessGoogle+

Remember Mahakshay Chakraborty? The Chubby, cute son of yesteryear disco star Mithun Chakraborty? Well, this chubby youngster has been transformed into a super fit star. All thanks to the strict fitness and diet technique that he followed. This competitive industry demands excellent health and fitness quotient. Mahaakshay is aware of these pre-requisites of becoming a star and has worked hard towards it. Let?s have a sneak peak into the special diet and fitness regime of Mahaskhsay Chakraborty.

Mahaskhsay Chakraborty?s Exercise Regimen

The star kid?s exercise regimen is quite intense. He prefers doing Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) at least thrice a week. Mahaskhsay practises this art for about 90 minutes. The actor is not much into doing weights. However, he focuses on cardio. Right from running 5 km in a day to dancing, swimming or playing squash, Mahaskhsay Chakraborty does it all without an excuse! He is also into the ?Insanity? workout. This is another name for cardio to the extreme! The actor also likes to play a lot of cardio games to keep himself fit.

Mahaskhsay Chakraborty?s Diet

Of course, a fit body cannot be achieved without healthy and strict diet schedule! In fact, Mahaskhsay Chakraborty believes that diet is everything when it comes to maintaining a fit body! The fitness obsession is such that he even counts the air he breathes. Due to the intense training routine he actor is involved in, he makes sure that he consumes just the right amount of nutrients.

Mahaskhsay Chakraborty believes in having a balanced diet. He strictly avoids supplements and takes only a multi-vitamin to supplement his body with essential nutrition. The actor eats everything under the roof but in moderation. He makes sure that the food he has is just enough for the body to absorb and to use.

Mahaskhsay Chakraborty has been doing MMA. This made him move his shoulder tendons on many occasions. Hence, his shoulders are loose. His lower back is vulnerable to pains and the attack occurs from time to time. Hence, the actor focuses on doing muscles tendons below right thigh. However, he still takes the pain as he loves MMA and it helps him stay fit and healthy!

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No word from Microsoft on Office for iPad

SEATTLE (Reuters) - A top Microsoft Corp executive side-stepped questions on Tuesday about any plans the software maker may have to bring its Office suite of applications to Apple Inc's iPad.

Talk has circulated for more than a year that Microsoft wants to bring native versions of its most profitable product to the hot-selling iPad, which one analyst estimates could generate $2.5 billion in extra revenue for Microsoft per year, but would remove an incentive to buying Windows-based tablets.

"We don't take it from the point of view, 'Do we need to have the PC software that's running on every single device?', we look very much at 'What is the experience that we are looking to have on those devices'," said Kurt DelBene, head of Microsoft's Office unit, asked about Office on the iPad at the Morgan Stanley technology investor conference in San Francisco, which was Webcast.

DelBene, who took over leadership of Office from Stephen Elop who left to lead phone maker Nokia in 2010, did not directly address putting native versions of Office applications on the iPad, a subject Microsoft has steered clear of in public.

Asked specifically about the availability of Office on Apple's iOS mobile system - which powers iPads and iPhones - DelBene instead stressed online versions of Office apps, which can be accessed via a browser but do not offer the full richness of installed software or an app.

"We've actually done a lot of work on iOS devices this time around," said DelBene. "We have enhanced the web applications pretty substantially, in partnership with Apple."

Microsoft does offer native iOS versions of some Office applications, including its OneNote note-sharing software, Lync communication suite and SharePoint collaboration site, as well as its SkyDrive online storage service.

But the more than 100 million iPad owners, many of whom want to bring their devices to work, have to use the limited online versions of desktop staples Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Morgan Stanley analyst Adam Holt estimated earlier this month that Microsoft could generate $2.5 billion in extra annual revenue from Office on iPad by next year, less the commission Apple would take on sales of Office through its App Store.

But the risk for Microsoft is that putting Office on the iPad takes away one of the key advantages of its own Surface and other Windows tablets, that already run Office natively.

Removing incentives to buy Windows tablets would be a blow to Microsoft's flagship Windows unit, which although less profitable than Office, is still key to the company's overall strategy.

Asked by one investor at the conference when he would be able to use Excel on his iPad, DelBene instead pointed the questioner toward Microsoft's own Surface RT and Surface Pro tablets and urged him to use Web-based versions of Office apps.

"I think we've done a great job on both the consumer side, particularly with the Web apps that we are building, and on the enterprise side as well," said DelBene.

(Reporting By Bill Rigby; Editing by Bernard Orr)


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Google?s Chrome Super Sync Sports Turns Your Smartphone?s Browser Into A Game Controller

super_sync_sports_logoGoogle’s Super Sync Sports Chrome Experiment is what happens when you put modern web technology, smartphones and a love of 80s sports games into one rather wacky package where cupcakes race moose heads for virtual gold. The new game, which Google announced this morning, runs in your desktop browser, but you use your smartphone or tablet as the game controller to make your avatars run, cycle and swim. Super Sync Sports uses new browser technologies like the HTML5 audio, CSS3, SVG and Canvas, but the highlight is obviously its use of the Touch API to recognize the gestures you make on your mobile device and WebSockets to make sure your phone(s) and browser stay in sync. Up to four players can join in every race. We’ve seen our fair share of cool browser demos recently, but Super Sync Sports’ ability to turn your mobile browser into what is essentially a very basic Wii U GamePad clearly shows how far our mobile and desktop browsers have come over the last year or so. To get started, you have to fire up Super Sync Sports on your desktop browser and mobile phone or tablet (Android 4.0+ and iOS 4.3+). After choosing whether you want to play a multiplayer or single-player game, you simply type a sync code into the web app and then it’s off to the races. The music will quickly drive you crazy, but the overall experience is quite a bit of fun, especially if you manage to recruit a few other people to play with you. Google says it will publish more information about how it built this experience in the next few weeks. Until then, you can always use your browser’s built-in developer tools to take a look under the hood.


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ZEN & TECH fitness month wrap-up. Tonight. 6pm PST. 9pm EST

ZEN & TECH fitness month wrap-up. Tonight. 6pm PST. 9pm EST

Fitness Month is wrapping up this week and Georgia and I aim to bring it all into balance with a special episode on... balance! Taking care of work, family, and school can be taxing enough, never mind finding time for ourselves, exercise, nutrition, and relaxation. So how to do fit it all in?

Join us tonight at 6pm PST, 9pm EST to find out!


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Justices Question Aspects of Voting Law (WSJ)

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National Day of Unplugging Starts at Home | Zillow Blog

craftsman dining room

A new trend is trickling into real estate decisions, but it?s not just a popular shade of paint or pattern of wallpaper. People around the world are choosing to ?unplug? their digital lives and, in the process, redefine the home.

?When people are looking at a house, they are not thinking, ?Where can I plug in my iPhone?? Dreaming about a home is really based around family,? said Tanya Schevitz, communications coordinator at Reboot,?a think-tank of sorts behind the unplugging movement and other projects inspired by Jewish traditions. ?It?s about envisioning a more relaxed family life that isn?t ?turned on? all the time.?

This Friday marks the fourth annual National Day of Unplugging, a 24-hour hiatus from technology started by Reboot. The group formed in 2002 when founder Dan Rollman was gazing at a sunset in Park City, UT and said to himself, ?I never do this. I never take time to enjoy my surroundings.?

Fast-forward to today, and hundreds of thousands of people from San Francisco to Venezuela and Mumbai are stepping away from their digital devices for the sole purpose of recharging themselves.

?It?s a zeitgeist of living in the moment,? Schevitz said. ?We?re not saying you have to unplug for 24 hours?? just be more aware of your use.?

Schevitz and others have taken a pledge to ditch technology from sundown to sundown March 1-2, but the day promotes a prevailing lifestyle change. As a Silicon Valley-based mom, Schevitz knows this is easier said than done, yet she?s convinced that once you start to unplug, you?ll look at your house differently.

Without any major renovations, Schevitz has refocused spaces in her apartment to help her family spend time together without digital distractions.

The key? Setting guidelines for yourself. Check out these five tips for unplugging your home:

1. Bring back books and board games

rustic home office
Schevitz focuses on getting back to the basics with her family. ?While everything is whirling around you, your home is your respite,? she said. ?If you can sit and surround yourself with books and unplugged activities, life slows down.?

But kids today are so plugged in that it can be hard to compete. For a fun, kid-friendly unplugged idea, check out this bookshelf with a built-in pulley system:

contemporary home office

2. Remove TVs from the bedroom

craftsman master bedroom

It might sound harsh, but Schevitz is a stickler on this one. While both she and her husband own laptops for work, they have reserved their?bedroom as a quiet escape.

?My husband is always saying we should sit around and read together and turn on classical music,? she said. ?It brings a sense of peace in life.?

Kids? rooms are also a common location for game consoles and gadgets. The contemporary kids? bedroom below provides a compelling alternative with built-in drawers for storing unplugged games and toys.

contemporary kids bedrooms

3. Spend time in the kitchen

craftsman kitchen
Schevitz has friends who have ditched their microwaves for good. While she hasn?t gone that far, she?s an advocate for cooking without modern appliances when possible.

?My son and I love to bake together,? she explained. ?We love to get our hands in the dough without an electric mixer. It?s a bonding experience ? popping something in the microwave is not.?

But what about contemporary homes with the latest cooking appliances already built in?

Schevitz admits the idea of having a completely unplugged house means you have to put more effort into undoing the amenities we?ve become accustomed to. But she argues that you are making your life fuller in the long run.

For inspiration, here?s a kitchen that has maintained an updated look and feel without electric appliances:

traditional kitchen

4. Dine in the dining room

contemporary dining room

Juggling her family?s busy schedule, Schevitz knows it?s hard to find time to sit and eat a meal together?? especially without glancing at your smartphone.

?The expectation that people must be reachable all the time has created a society where people are on edge,? she said. ?It starts to affect your relationships because they don?t feel like they are a priority.?

She thinks it?s doable to have dinner completely unplugged. ?I can sit down with my family and pause and really enjoy it,? she explained.

Try designating a space in your home just for meal times to avoid eating in front of the TV or computer.

5. Use your imagination

contemporary great room
Schevitz?s boys don?t have any beeping toys. She remembers buying her son a coffee maker because he loves to help her husband make his coffee in the morning.

?It makes no noises,? she explained. ?He has to use his imagination to make them.?

And, imagination seems to be a big part of the National Day of Unplugging. Its website shows people from around the world who have sent in photos saying ?I unplug to_________.?

How would you fill in the blank? Play a life-size game of chess? Take a nap?
art deco playroom
Reboot is commemorating the day with device-free events in San Francisco and Los Angeles centered around music, arts and relaxation. A student group at the University of California Berkeley is going on a hike.

Schevitz says the goal is to bring people together.?Recalling an ?unplugged party? she hosted for Google co-founder Sergey Brin and his wife, she argues:??Hey, if the founder of Google can do it, anyone can.?



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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Three injured in shooting at Ohio temple

By Becky Bratu, Staff Writer, NBC News

Two people are injured and a suspect is in custody following a shooting in the parking lot of a Mormon temple in Columbus, Ohio, Tuesday afternoon, NBC affiliate WCMH reported.

The shooting took place in the parking lot of the Columbus Ohio Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at about 4:45 p.m.

Columbus police told WCMH they have a male suspect in custody.

He and one of the victims were transported to Riverside Methodist Hospital in critical but stable condition, according to WCMH.

A second victim was taken to Mount Carmel Hospital West also in critical but stable condition.


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A game plan for climate change

Feb. 27, 2013 ? Researchers have successfully piloted a process that enables natural resource managers to take action to conserve particular wildlife, plants and ecosystems as climate changes.

The Adaptation for Conservation Targets (ACT) framework is a practical approach to assessing how future changes in air and water temperatures, precipitation, stream flows, snowpack, and other environmental conditions might affect natural resources. ACT enables scientists and managers to work hand-in-hand to consider how management actions may need to be adjusted to address those impacts.

"As acceptance of the importance of climate change in influencing conservation and natural resource management increases, ACT can help practitioners connect the dots and integrate climate change into their decisions," said WCS Conservation Scientist, Dr. Molly Cross. "Most importantly, the ACT process allows practitioners to move beyond just talking about impacts to address the 'What do we do about it?' question."

The ACT framework was tested during a series of workshops at four southwestern United States landscapes (see map) that brought together 109 natural resource managers, scientists, and conservation practitioners from 44 local, state, tribal and federal agencies and organizations. The workshops were organized by the Southwest Climate Change Initiative, representing The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS), the Western Water Assessment, the U.S. Forest Service, and the National Center for Atmospheric Research.

One example comes from the Bear River basin in Utah, where workshop participants looked at how warmer air and water temperatures and decreased summer stream flow might affect native Bonneville cutthroat trout habitat and populations. The group strategized that restoring the ability of fish to move between the main stem of the Bear River and cooler tributaries, protecting cold-water habitat, and lowering the depth of outflow from reservoirs to reduce downstream water temperatures could help maintain or increase trout population numbers as climate changes.

Participants in another workshop considered the impacts of reduced snow-pack and greater variability in precipitation on stream flows in the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico. To maintain sufficient water in the system and support aquatic species and riparian vegetation, attendees identified options such as restoring beaver to streams, building artificial structures to increase the storage of water in floodplains, and thinning the density of trees in nearby forests to maximize snowpack retention.

"The ACT process helps workshop participants move beyond the paralysis many feel when tackling what is a new or even intimidating topic by creating a step-by-step process for considering climate change that draws on familiar conservation planning tools," Cross said. "By combining traditional conservation planning with an assessment of climate change impacts that considers multiple future scenarios, ACT helps practitioners lay out how conservation goals and actions may need to be modified to account for climate change."

The results will help land managers as well as people. "Climate change impacts livelihoods and threatens the water supplies of many of our communities," says Terry Sullivan, The Nature Conservancy's New Mexico state director. "We hope that this tool will be utilized to help make decisions which will lead to healthy and sustainable watersheds, and ultimately sustain water supplies for farms and cities."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Wildlife Conservation Society, via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Molly S. Cross, Patrick D. McCarthy, Gregg Garfin, David Gori, Carolyn A.F. Enquist. Accelerating Adaptation of Natural Resource Management to Address Climate Change. Conservation Biology, 2013; 27 (1): 4 DOI: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2012.01954.x

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Yemen's ousted leader urges 'forgiveness'

CAIRO (AP) ? In his first public speech in more than 18 months, Yemen's ousted autocratic leader Ali Abdullah Saleh is calling for "forgiveness of the past" amid calls for prosecution of those responsible for the deaths of protesters during the 2011 uprising.

His speech in the Yemeni capital of Sanaa marked the first anniversary of a transfer of power in 2012 that followed massive protests and sit-ins.

Tens of thousands of Saleh supporters gathered near the presidential palace, chanting "the people want Ali Abdullah Saleh."

Saleh's speech appeared to be in defiance of a U.N. Security Council warning that sanctions would be imposed upon him if he continued to hinder democratic transition. Saleh has been accused of trying to manipulate power through a network of relatives and supporters still in key positions.


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Anti-gun Democrat shoo-in to replace Jackson Jr.

Robin Kelly celebrates her special primary election win for Illinois' 2nd Congressional District, once held by Jesse Jackson Jr., Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Matteson, Ill. After a primary campaign dominated by gun control and economic woes, voters chose Kelly over Debbie Halvorson and Anthony Beale, making her the likely replacement for Jesse Jackson Jr., three months after his legal troubles and battle with depression forced the son of the civil rights leader to resign from Congress. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Robin Kelly celebrates her special primary election win for Illinois' 2nd Congressional District, once held by Jesse Jackson Jr., Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Matteson, Ill. After a primary campaign dominated by gun control and economic woes, voters chose Kelly over Debbie Halvorson and Anthony Beale, making her the likely replacement for Jesse Jackson Jr., three months after his legal troubles and battle with depression forced the son of the civil rights leader to resign from Congress. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Robin Kelly celebrates her special primary election win for Illinois' 2nd Congressional District, once held by Jesse Jackson Jr., Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in Matteson, Ill. After a primary campaign dominated by gun control and economic woes, voters chose Kelly over Debbie Halvorson and Anthony Beale, making her the likely replacement for Jesse Jackson Jr., three months after his legal troubles and battle with depression forced the son of the civil rights leader to resign from Congress. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Chicago Alderman Anthony Beale, a Democrat, speaks with election judge Nancy Karen as he casts his vote in Chicago, Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in the special primary election to replace former U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson in Illinois' 2nd Congressional District. Beale is one of three front-runners in the primary. The others include former state Rep. Robin Kelly and former U.S. Rep. Debbie Halvorson. They were among 14 Democrats and four Republicans in the special primary, but the Democratic winner is expected to sail through the April 9 general election because of the heavily Democratic region. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)

Former Democratic U.S. Rep. Debbie Halvorson casts her vote in Steger, Ill., Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, in the special primary election to replace former U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson in Illinois' 2nd Congressional District. Halvorson is one of the front-runners in the primary.? The others include former state Rep. Robin Kelly and Chicago Alderman Anthony Beale. They were among 14 Democrats and four Republicans in the special primary, but the Democratic winner is expected to sail through the April 9 general election because of the heavily Democratic region. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)

Former Illinois state Rep. Robin Kelly, a Democrat, finds a supporter in Yolanda Stratton as she campaigns at an IHOP in Matteson, Ill., on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, on the final day of the special primary election to replace disgraced former U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson in Illinois' 2nd Congressional District. Kelly is one of the three front-runners in the primary. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green)

CHICAGO (AP) ? The newly-elected Democratic nominee to replace disgraced former U.S. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. vowed to become a leader in the fight for federal gun control and directly challenged the National Rifle Association in her victory speech.

But it remains to be seen if Robin Kelly's primary win Tuesday night in the Chicago-area district, aided by a $2 million ad campaign funded by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's super PAC, would fuel the national debate.

Kelly, a former state representative, emerged early as a voice for gun control in the truncated primary season after Jackson resigned in November. She gained huge momentum as Bloomberg's super PAC poured money into anti-gun television ads in her favor that blasted one of her Democratic opponents, former U.S. Rep. Debbie Halvorson, for receiving a previous high rating from the NRA. Kelly supports an assault weapons ban, while Halvorson does not.

"We were on the right side of the issue and our message resonated," Kelly told The Associated Press shortly after her win.

Kelly promised in her victory speech later Tuesday night to fight "until gun violence is no longer a nightly feature on the evening news" and directly addressed the NRA, saying "their days of holding our country hostage are coming to an end."

Bloomberg called Kelly's win an important victory for "common sense leadership" on gun violence, saying in a statement that voters nationwide are demanding change from their leaders.

But other Democratic front runners accused Bloomberg of buying a race and interfering in the heavily urban district that also includes some Chicago suburbs and rural areas.

"It shows, unfortunately, you can't go up against that big money. ...That's the problem with super PACs," Halvorson, who unsuccessfully challenged Jackson in a primary last year, told the AP. "There is nothing I could have done differently."

Kelly's win all but assures she will sail through the April 9 general election and head to Washington, because the Chicago-area district is overwhelmingly Democratic. The Republican contest, featuring four lesser-known candidates, was too close to call as of Tuesday night, though no Republican has won the district in 50 years.

The race was the district's first wide-open primary since 1995, when Jackson was first elected to Congress in a special election. He resigned in November after a months-long medical leave for treatment of bipolar disorder and other issues, then pleaded guilty this month to misspending $750,000 in campaign money on lavish personal items.

Even with his legal saga playing out in the courts, talk of guns dominated the primary race, which featured 14 Democrats. The election came after Chicago saw its deadliest January in more than a decade, including the death of a high-profile honors student who was fatally shot just days after she performed at President Barack Obama's second inauguration.

Political experts and fellow candidates said the super PAC money made all the difference, particularly in an election with a short primary and low voter turnout.

"The money bought Kelly a tremendous among of attention," said Laura Washington, a political analyst in Chicago. "She tapped into a real hard nerve out there in the community. People are really concerned about gun control and violence. She was smart to focus like a laser on that issue."

Bloomberg's entrance into the race became controversial, at least with the candidates and some voters.

The Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-independent has long taken a vocal stance against guns. He launched his super PAC weeks before the November election and spent more than $12 million to back seven candidates nationwide, including for newly elected Rep. Gloria Negrete McLeod, a California Democrat who ousted an incumbent during a race where guns were an issue.

On Tuesday, Kelly told supporters that she would work with Obama and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to get gun legislation through Congress.

However, gun rights advocates dismissed the notion that Kelly's election and Bloomberg's attention would fuel the debate on gun control.

"This is an aberration," said Illinois State Rifle Association spokesman Richard Pearson. "This shows what you can do with $2 million in an off season race. He bought the election is the way."

Another Democratic front runner, Chicago Alderman Anthony Beale, also took issue with the ads, saying people were "extremely upset" that someone from New York was trying to tell people in Illinois how to vote.

"That's what money gets you," he told the AP after conceding late Tuesday. "We earned every vote."

Roughly 14 percent of registered voters came to the polls, an estimate Chicago officials said was the lowest turnout in decades. Adding to the problem was a blast of wintry weather Tuesday that snarled traffic, cancelled hundreds of flights and could have kept some voters home.

But those who did make it out indicated that guns, ethics and economic woes were on their minds.

Mary Jo Higgins of Steger, a south Chicago suburb, said she voted for Halvorson because the former congresswoman was "the only Democrat who believes in the Second Amendment."

But Country Club Hills minister Rosemary Gage said she voted for Kelly because she was "standing with (Obama) and trying to get rid of guns."

"It's really bad in Chicago and across the country," Gage said. "Too many children have died."


Associated Press writer Sara Burnett contributed to this report.


Sophia Tareen can be reached at

Associated Press


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New tool for measuring frozen gas in ocean floor sediments

Feb. 26, 2013 ? A collaboration between the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) and the University of Southampton is to develop an instrument capable of simulating the high pressures and low temperatures needed to create hydrate in sediment samples.

Dr Angus Best of NOC and Professors Tim Leighton and Paul White from the University of Southampton's Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR) have been awarded a grant of ?0,8 million by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) to investigate methods for assessing the volume of methane gas and gas hydrate locked in seafloor sediments.

Dr Best, who is leading the project, explained: "Greenhouse gases, such as methane and carbon dioxide, are trapped in sediments beneath the seafloor on continental shelves and slopes around the world. Currently, there are only very broad estimates of the amount of seafloor methane and hydrate."

The team plan a series of experiments on a range of sediment types, such as sand and mud. They intend to map out the acoustic and electrical properties of differing amounts of free methane gas and frozen solid methane hydrate.

The laboratory-based approach adopted by the team will involve the development of a major new Acoustic Pulse Tube instrument at NOC. Using acoustic techniques and theories developed by the ISVR team, they aim to provide improved geophysical remote sensing capabilities for better quantification of seafloor gas and hydrate deposits in the ocean floor.

"Not much is known about the state of gas morphology -- bubbles. Muddy sediments show crack-like bubbles, while sandy sediments show spherical bubbles. Only dedicated lab experiments can hope to unravel the complex interactions. By creating our own 'cores' of sediment material in a controlled environment where we know the concentrations of methane or carbon dioxide, we can create models to help us with in situ measurements on the seafloor."

There is significant interest in sub-seafloor carbon-dioxide storage sites. Methane hydrates are a potential energy resource that could be exploited in future. They may also contribute to geo-hazards such as seafloor landslides -- it is thought that earthquakes and the release of gas hydrates caused the largest-ever landslide, the Storegga Slide, around 8,000 years ago.

Professor Leighton said: "The three of us have collaborated in recent years in an experiment that used acoustics to take preliminary measurements of gas in the muddy sediments revealed at low tide. Those measurements, and the acoustic theory we developed to interpret the data, provided exactly the foundation we needed to undertake this critically important study that will be relevant to the seabed in somewhat deeper waters.

"As a greenhouse gas, methane is 20 times more potent per molecule than carbon dioxide. There is the potential for climate change to alter sea temperatures and cause more methane gas to be released from seabed hydrates into bubbles which reach the atmosphere. It is therefore vital that we have the tools to quantify and map the amount of methane that is down there."

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The State of Free Speech on Campus: Pomona College - The ...

February 25, 2013

by Samantha Harris

Today, FIRE brings you the next installment in our blog series on the state of free speech at America's top 10 liberal arts colleges, as ranked by U.S. News & World Report. Up today:?Pomona College, one of the five undergraduate colleges that are part of the Claremont Colleges consortium in California.

Overall, Pomona College's speech codes are not as restrictive as some of the other schools in this blog series. Further, it's important to note that some of the more restrictive policies are not specific to Pomona but rather are applicable to all of the Claremont Colleges, meaning that it may take a bit more legwork to get the necessary changes made.

Although Pomona is private, its students are assured the right to free speech both by the university's own policies?which promise that the college "respects the rights of free speech and peaceable assembly and supports their exercise"?and by California law, which applies the First Amendment to private, secular colleges and universities. California's "Leonard Law" (California Education Code ? 94367, named for its author, former California State Senator Bill Leonard) provides that "[n]o private postsecondary educational institution shall make or enforce any rule subjecting any student to disciplinary sanctions solely on the basis of conduct that is speech or other communication that, when engaged in outside the campus or facility of a private postsecondary institution, is protected from governmental restriction by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution or Section 2 of Article 1 of the California Constitution."

So now, let's take a look at the ways in which Pomona's policies (or in some cases, the systemwide policies of the Claremont Colleges) infringe upon students' expressive rights.

First, the "Five-College Poster and Banner Approval Policy" provides that "organizations are expected to refrain from using racial, gender or ethnic slurs, stereotypic depiction, or similar references in all advertising material" and also that "No advertising may contain explicit or implicit, written or pictorial references to alcohol beverages or drugs." While the first clause is most likely aimed at preventing the types of offensive party invitations that have gotten so many students in trouble around the country over the years, there are two problems with this. First, even highly offensive material is protected under the First Amendment and should be protected on any campus that claims to protect its students' right to free expression. In Hustler Magazine v. Falwell, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the First Amendment protects even an extraordinarily offensive parody?in that case, a cartoon suggesting that the Reverend Jerry Falwell lost his virginity in a drunken encounter with his mother in an outhouse. The First Amendment protects offensive material, farce, profanity, and exaggeration. After all, these methods of communication are frequently used to make important political points. No campus that claims to take seriously the free speech rights of students can retaliate against a student merely for using offensive words.?

Second, the wording of the policy is broad enough that it could squelch far more than the kind of speech at which it was presumably intended. People could easily argue that a flyer advertising a debate or speaker on a controversial issue contains a "stereotypic depiction" that renders the advertisement impermissible. For example, remember the uproar caused by a flyer at Cal Poly advertising a speech by an African-American social critic who authored a book entitled It's OK to Leave the Plantation. Or look back at Gonzaga University's attempt to discipline a student group for posting a flyer advertising a speech by the author of the book Why the Left Hates America. (In both cases, the challenged flyers contained the titles of the controversial books).

The portion of the posting policy prohibiting any reference to alcohol or drugs is also too broad. The policy, taken literally, prohibits the advertisement of Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings, as well as the advertisement of debates on pertinent topics such as marijuana policy reform or the sentencing disparity between offenders in possession of crack cocaine versus powdered cocaine. The fact that the university might claim it does not use the policy to prohibit those types of advertisements is irrelevant; the fact is that the policy, on its face, prohibits an entire category of constitutionally protected speech. It is incumbent upon the university to get the policies right?it should not be left to the students or to FIRE to point out these fairly obvious problems.

Also of concern are two separate policies at Pomona prohibiting the electronic transmission of any "abusive" messages or images. The term "abusive" is so vague that it is impossible for students to know exactly what is prohibited, and this broad ban could potentially encompass protected speech. The term could refer only to the kind of severe and repetitive abuse that rises to the level of actual harassment (which would not be protected regardless), but it could also refer to a harshly worded argument that occurs in the course of a heated debate (which almost certainly would be protected). ?

The Supreme Court held in Grayned v. City of Rockford, 408 U.S. 104, 108 (1972), that a law must "give a person of ordinary intelligence a reasonable opportunity to know what is prohibited, so that he may act accordingly," otherwise the law is unconstitutionally vague. The Court went on to state that "where a vague statute 'abut[s] upon sensitive areas of basic First Amendment freedoms,' it 'operates to inhibit the exercise of [those] freedoms.' Uncertain meanings inevitably lead citizens to 'steer far wider of the unlawful zone ... than if the boundaries of the forbidden areas were clearly marked.'" Grayned, 408 U.S. at 109 (internal citations omitted). This is what is known as an impermissible "chilling effect" on free speech.

Finally, all five undergraduate Claremont Colleges maintain variations on a systemwide "Hate Crimes and Bias-Related Incidents Protocol" that also has the potential to chill protected speech on campus. Pomona's version of this protocol defines "bias related incidents" as "expressions of hostility against another person (or group) because of that person's (or group's) race, color, religion, ancestry, age, national origin, disability, gender or sexual orientation, or because the perpetrator perceives that the other person (or group) has one or more of those characteristics." Although the policy acknowledges (correctly) that some bias incidents "may be protected speech," it does not go far enough in making clear that protected speech will not be subject to punishment. As a result, the policy may have a serious chilling effect on free speech. For an example of how this policy could be changed, take a look at the bias reporting policy at the "green light" University of Virginia, which explicitly states that "[t]his definition is used for reporting and statistical purposes only. It carries no independent sanctioning weight or authority" and that?

Some bias-motivated or otherwise disrespectful acts may be constitutionally protected speech and thus not subject to University disciplinary action or formal investigation. Indeed, as our founder Thomas Jefferson once wrote, "For here we are not afraid . . . to tolerate error so long as reason is free to combat it." However, we should do all that we can to foster a good dialogue on what is appropriate in our community of peers.?

In order to avoid infringing on students' free speech rights, Pomona's policy must make similarly clear that protected speech will never be subject to investigation or discipline.

Pomona College fares quite well compared to many of its peers when it comes to speech codes on campus, but it still has a bit of work to do in order to earn a green light rating from FIRE. As with all colleges and universities, we would be happy to help Pomona improve its policies.


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NZ man fatally attacked by shark, police open fire

WELLINGTON (Reuters) - A New Zealand man was attacked and killed by a great white shark on Wednesday in a rare fatal shark incident in the country, prompting police to open fire.

Police said they fired shots at the shark after a man was fatally bitten at Muriwai beach located around 40 kilometers (25 miles) northwest of Auckland, one of many beaches dotted along the North Island's west coast that are known for their wild surf.

Rescue crews were quoted by local media as saying the shark was a "white pointer", commonly known as a great white, measuring roughly 4 meters (13 feet) long. Witnesses said a rescue helicopter also fired shots at the shark.

"We saw the shark fin, and the next minute, boom, the attack came. There was blood everywhere on the water," eye witness Pio Mosie was quoted by local news website as saying.

"They fired six or seven shots to the shark, three from the police helicopter and a few shots from the lifeguard. I don't know if they killed the shark or not," he added.

The head of the local volunteer lifeguard service was quoted as saying they had confirmed that "one or two" sharks were spotted, but none had been seen since the man's body was removed from the water.

Shark attacks are rare in New Zealand, where water sports and beach holidays are a rite of summer. More than 60 shark species are known to swim in the country's waters.

Fourteen fatal attacks have been reported since records began around 1837, according to the country's Department of Conservation, which added that non-fatal shark attacks average roughly two each year.

The last attack linked with a death was in 2009, when a kayaker was mauled by a great white in the nearby Coromandel Peninsula, although whether the victim drowned before the attack has been disputed.

According to the International Shark Attack File, 11 sharkfatalities were reported last year, including three in Australia and South Africa, nearly tripling from 2001.

(Reporting by Naomi Tajitsu, editing by Elaine Lies)


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Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop dies at 96 (cbsnews)

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

LG's 5.5-Inch Optimus Pro Has a 1080p IPS Screen (Hands On)

PPI might not matter much, but LG's new Optimus Pro, which we've seen in Korean form, has a 1080p screen, and it's pretty damn gorgeous. More »


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Roccat Apuri

The world of gaming peripherals is filled with specialized devices and niche products, but even among the diverse, the Roccat Apuri is unusual. It's a USB hub! It's a cord bungee! It's both! At this point, a few readers are probably scratching their heads. But don't discount a product just because it looks different or has a funny name?it's a surprisingly useful device, both for gamers and neat-freaks.

Mouse Cord Bungee
What is a cord bungee? I'm glad you asked. A mouse cord bungee is a cable management device, with a small arm to hold the cable from your wired mouse up and out of the way. This helps prevent the tangle that results when a mouse with a four-foot cable is used 10 inches from the USB port it's connected to. It also has the benefit of reducing any drag or friction from the cable, letting you move unhindered. Perhaps most importantly, it helps tame the snarl of cables that accumulate around any gaming rig, not only by getting your mouse cable out of the way, but because the design and extra hub functionality also help reduce clutter.

It's not necessarily a device that everyone will need, but after a week of testing?both at work and at play?it became obvious that even outside of gaming, a bungee can be useful to anyone who does a lot of work with a wired mouse.

Like other bungees, the Apuri does have a springy cord boom coming up over the top of its three-legged base. Unlike other spring-loaded models, however, this design uses black rubber for both the boom arm and the cord channel, giving you a secure spot for your cord and accommodating irregular cable thickness and sheathing.

While most cord bungee devices are little more than a spring-loaded arm with cable clips, Roccat has added real functionality by outfitting the base of the Apuri with a 4-port USB hub, similar in function to the Satechi Ultra Portable 4 Port USB Pocket Hub. The $39.99 price tag is similar to that of the Targus Ultralife USB Hub, but the Targus hub includes an Ethernet port. Plain USB 2.0 ports are often much cheaper, like the aforementioned Satechi Pocket Hub.

Like other hubs, the Apuri turns one USB port into many, splitting off into four separate ports. That's four times the devices, four times the accessibility, four fewer reasons to reach in back of your PC tower to plug something in for an hour, four slightly easier connections to disconnect or reconnect from a laptop. And, for applications that need a bit more juice, such as charging a smartphone, or powering several devices at once, the hub also comes with an AC adapter.

The hub is a plug-and-play device, so there are no additional drivers to install, and the hub should be compatible with any current USB port. It's OS-agnostic, compatible with Windows (XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8), Mac (OS X), and Linux. The hub offers USB 2.0 connectivity, but not USB 3.0?for that, you'll need something like the Satechi 3.0 4-Port USB Hub. Roccat covers the Apuri with a one-year warranty.

The Apuri sits on a base of three wide rubber feet. Between those feet and the Apuri's weight?4.2 ounces, or roughly a third of a pound?the device should stay relatively stationary, even through the wild mousing of a frantic firefight.

Measuring 5.1 by 2.5 by 2.5 inches (HWD), the hub will take up a bit of space on your desk, but the raised tripod design also allows cords to pass underneath it, providing another potential element of cable management. And, with two five-foot cables (USB and power, respectively) you can connect the Apuri to your PC, and multiple devices to the Apuri, letting you relocate some of your cable mess to one central location. And, if you just want the cool lighted USB hub on your desk, the bungee arm is removable.

The base of the Apuri is black plastic with a matte finish, accented with glowing blue LEDs. It will definitely blend in when set next to a gaming rig, gaming keyboard, and gaming mouse?glowing accents and backlight are pretty common in gaming gear. Sadly, the LED color is not adjustable, nor can it be turned off. As a result, this probably won't be so inconspicuous on a regular desk.

While it may not be quite like anything else we've reviewed, the Roccat Apuri is two helpful devices in one: a mouse cord bungee, and a 4-port USB hub. Either one would be helpful, but combining the two into the Apuri's solid tripod design makes it a niche product that could be pretty helpful beyond the narrower gamer market.

Compare the Roccat Apuri with several other USB devices side by side.

More USB device reviews:
??? IronKey Workspace W300 (64GB)
??? Roccat Apuri
??? PocketDesktop (16GB)
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Wrestling diplomacy cuts tension at nuclear talks with Iran

ALMATY (Reuters) - For a brief moment on Tuesday, the nuclear dispute between Iran and the United States took a back seat to sport.

U.S. diplomats found rare common ground with the Islamic Republic at a fresh round of nuclear negotiations between Tehran and world powers, noting Iran's victory in the freestyle wrestling World Cup held in the Iranian capital last week.

Sports officials from the two countries - which are at odds over the nuclear issue and many others - have expressed dismay at a surprise recommendation by the International Olympic Committee this month to drop wrestling from the 2020 Games.

"During the plenary, we did note Iran's success in the recent wrestling World Cup and our shared view that wrestling should continue to be an Olympic sport," a U.S. official said on Tuesday after the start of high-stakes nuclear talks.

Iran and six world powers are holding their first meeting in eight months in the Kazakh city of Almaty this week, to try to start resolving a dispute over Tehran's nuclear program that threatens to trigger another war in the Middle East.

Diplomatic ties between Iran and the United States have been cut since 1980 after Iranian students took 52 U.S. diplomats hostage in the aftermath of the 1979 Islamic revolution.

But wrestling, one of Iran's most popular sports, has proven a rare arena in which the two countries have friendly relations.

U.S. wrestlers visited Tehran last week to compete in the World Cup, where 2012 Olympic gold medalist Jordan Burroughs was cheered on wildly by Iranian fans at the capital's Azadi stadium.

"Iran has amazing fans!" Burroughs tweeted, posting a picture of Iranian supporters eagerly reaching down over a barrier at the stadium to touch his hand.

A second U.S. official told reporters in Almaty prior to the start of the February 26-27 talks that Iran and the United States agreed that wrestling should continue as an Olympic sport.

"Although we cannot come to agreement yet where it comes to Iran's nuclear program, clearly our wrestlers get along just fine," the U.S. official said.

"We and Iran agree completely that the Olympics should continue to have wrestling as a sport ... so we will be working vigorously with them to make that come to pass."

There was no immediate reaction to the U.S. statement from Iranian diplomats. Wrestling is a major source of Iran's Olympic medals, and Iranian sports officials have said they will work with other countries to lobby for it to stay in the Games.

"The issue of removing wrestling from the Olympics is very serious," Mohammad Aliabadi, the head of Iran's Olympic committee, told state news agency IRNA this month.

"We must prevent this action with the help of many of the major countries in the world," Aliabadi said, without naming any specific nation.

(Editing by Jon Hemming)


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Lowe's 4Q net income tops expectations

NEW YORK (AP) ? Home improvement retailer Lowe's Cos. credits cleanup efforts after Superstorm Sandy and its new pricing strategy for fourth-quarter earnings that surpassed Wall Street expectations.

The results are a sign that people are beginning to feel better about spending money on their homes as the housing market slowly recovers. Analysts will be watching Lowe's larger rival Home Depot's earnings report on Tuesday to see if its results show a similar story.

Lowe's CEO Robert Niblock said the company is seeing a pickup in spending even in areas of the country hit hardest by the housing slump, like Florida, Arizona and California.

"Rising home values have given homeowners additional confidence in spending on their homes," Niblock said in an interview with The Associated Press.

Lowe's net income fell 11 percent from last year's quarter, which included an extra week of revenue. Its earnings forecast for the year was below expectations but its revenue projection beat the consensus.

Mooresville, N.C.-based Lowe's has revamped its pricing structure, offering what it says are permanent low prices on many items across the store instead of fleeting discounts. It has also focused on hiring more workers and improving its inventory. In January it said it planned to hire 45,000 seasonal workers ahead of its busy spring season and add 9,000 part time employees on a permanent basis.

In a call with analysts, Chief Customer Officer Greg Bridgeford said the pricing strategy helped spur strong sales of cabinets and countertops, tools and outdoor power equipment.

During the quarter, the number of transactions fell 6.9 percent, mainly due to the extra week in the quarter a year ago. But average ticket rose 2.1 percent to $62.37.

Lowe's net income totaled $288 million, or 26 cents per share, for the three months ended Feb. 1. That's down from $322 million, or 26 cents per share, a year ago. Analysts expected 23 cents per share, according to FactSet.

There were 11 percent fewer shares outstanding in the latest quarter than a year ago. That increases the value of each share. An extra week in the quarter last year had boosted year-ago earnings by 5 cents per share.

Revenue fell 5 percent to $11.05 billion from $11.63 billion. Analysts expected $10.85 billion. Revenue in stores open at least one year rose 1.9 percent. The measure is a key gauge of a retailer's fiscal health because it excludes stores that open or close during the year.

Morningstar analyst Peter Wahlstrom said the quarter was generally good and in line with his expectations, helped by better gross margins ? the amount of each dollar in revenue a company actually keeps ? and a lower share count.

Standard & Poor analyst Michael Souers kept his "Sell" recommendation on the stock.

"While we see a modest recovery in housing, we see rising interest rates as a threat to home refinancing, a key driver of remodeling," he said.

For the fiscal year, net income rose 7 percent to $1.96 billion, or $1.69 per share, from $1.84 billion, or $1.43 per share. Revenue edged up to $50.52 billion from $50.21 billion last year.

Lowe's, which operates 1,754 stores in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, expects fiscal 2013 net income of $2.05 per share. Analysts expect $2.10 per share.

The company expects revenue to rise 4 percent, implying revenue of $52.54 billion. Analysts expect $51.69 billion.

Shares fell $1.81, or 4.8 percent, to close at $35.86 Monday. They have traded in a 52-week range of $24.76 to $39.98.


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ASUS Padfone 2 launching in the UK on March 1

Android Central

Way back in October last year we first heard word that ASUS planned to bring the Padfone 2 to the UK in early 2013. It's now early 2013 and true to their word ASUS is indeed bringing the Padfone 2 to the UK on March 1 for £599.

For some it may seem an anti-climax given the recent unveiling of the Padfone Infinity at MWC. But, the Padfone 2 is still an impressive device packing a Snapdragon S4 Pro, 2GB of RAM, a 13MP camera and a HD Super IPS+ display. It isn't quite the powerhouse the new Padfone Infinity is, but the hardware specs are still impressive. And of course, the Padfone 2 will be around £200 cheaper than the Infinity. 

Both white and black versions will be available, and several big name retailers will be picking it up including Amazon and Carphone Warehouse. The full press release can be found after the break.

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