Sunday, March 3, 2013

Premier League adopts goal-line tech, puts armchair pundits in tailspin


We all have that one ghost goal that stays buried in our subconscious, be it Frank Lampard in 2011, Luis Garcia in 2005 or, erm, Frank Lampard in 2010. But perhaps such tribulations will end with the news that the Premier League is following in the footsteps of FIFA to institute goal-line technology from the 2013-2014 season. A Prem spokesperson told BBC and Sky News that all 20 clubs have to have the hardware in place for the start of the season. While the governign body hasn't revealed which two providers are bidding for the job, as it's always either GoalRef or Hawkeye, we're likely to see one of them announcing their success at some point during the summer.

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Source: Sky News, BBC Sport


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