Friday, March 9, 2012

A Brief Overview of Pancreatic Cancer | Elder Care Home Health Blog



?Learn a very basic overview about Pancreatic Cancer. Its possible causes, symptoms, and treatments. The word ?Cancer?? still causes fear. Medical science has come a long way. Many cancers are treatable or manageable much longer than even 10-15 years ago. Still, Pancreatic Cancer is usually?a killer in the end. Remember, we all can take better care of ourselves, learn about ways to help our bodies stay healthier, plan for care and options should illness strike and get the care we need when we need it. Boca Home Care Services is here to help you and your family.


Diagram of abdominal organs






Sometimes at Boca Home Care Services certain medical diagnoses seem to come in clusters.? It can be a few Hip Fractures in a row and often it is a stream of Alzheimer?s Disease. Lately we?ve noticed more than a few calls from people have Pancreatic Cancer.? We get involved at a mid to later stage when the person is weaker and consequently in need of more care in their home.? Often too we refer the client?s family to our three area Hospices so that they can acquaint themselves with the numerous services they provide and are covered by Medicare. In such instances, we dovetail our services with Hospice and supplement shifts with caregivers.? Thankfully it is not too prevalent a Cancer but I realized I didn?t know very much about it, other than it affects the Pancreas. So, let?s learn a little about Pancreatic Cancer together.


Behind the Stomach lies the Pancreas. A spongy, six inch long, fishlike organ spread across the back of the abdomen. It has glands (endocrine & exocrine) which create insulin, hormones and enzymes (pancreatic juices). These help digest fat, carbohydrates and proteins.? Some of the hormones released manage sugar levels in our blood. Diabetes can result when they are not working the way they should.


Pancreatic Cancer happens when cells in the Pancreas begin to grow uncontrollably.? These abnormal cells continue dividing and form masses or lumps in the tissue. These are commonly known as tumors. Over time, the tumors interfere with the normal function of the pancreas. Unfortunately, Pancreatic Cancer is often diagnosed at a later stage in its growth and therefore mortality rates after 5 years are high. The more common type of this disease affects the exocrine functions. Tumors affecting the endocrine function are far less common.


Like other Cancers, the cells grow out of control and do not follow the normal arc of cell life and death. We don?t know why the cells continue to grow and divide but scientists have identified some risk factors: damaged or mutations in the DNA, Genetic predisposition inherited in families, carcinogens (pesticides, dyes or chemicals) which damage the DNA and allow the cancer to grow, aging? can increase the? cancer causing changes in our DNA.


Pancreatic cancers occur more often in men and smoking increases one?s chances to get this disease. Diet and exercise matter with pancreatic cancer, like with overall health. A diet with fruits and vegetables, less red meat and fat is recommended. Long term heavy drinking can lead to chronic pancreatitis which is a known risk factor for the development of pancreatic cancer.


Pancreatic cancer is referred to as a ?silent disease? because early symptoms rarely show up. Tumors in the pancreas are usually too small to cause symptoms. Once it grows you may experience:


*Pain in upper abdomen as the tumor presses on nerves.


*A yellowing of your skin and eyes, darkening of urine (jaundice).


*Loss of appetite, vomiting or nausea


*Significant loss of weight and increased weakness


*Pale or gray colored stool


As you can tell, these symptoms can be caused by many different things which contribute to the difficulty of diagnosis until the tumors have advanced. Doctors will most likely order many blood tests, urine and stool samples and a battery of imaging test like ultrasound, Angiograms, MRI, PETs and a biopsy of the tumor itself.


As with other cancers, there are stages of pancreatic cancer.? Identifying the stage is important in choosing treatment options. There are 4 stages


Treatment Options:


Cancer treatment options depend on the type and stage of the cancer or tumor and how much it may have spread to other organs, age, overall health and other characteristics of the patient. It is most likely a combined treatment approach but often curable if detected in the earliest stages and treated. Options include Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation and medications. Today, positive outcomes are increasing for pancreatic cancer survivors.?


Each person must take responsibility for their overall health. Eat better, smoke and drink less, or quit entirely, exercise more, have regular checkups as per your doctor?s recommendation. In short, increase your odds of staying healthier longer. Each person must also take responsibility for their treatment and care to the extent possible.


?Any major disease is a personal, family and medical matter to a large extent. Get educated get support to stay positive and physically stronger. Treatment itself is likely to be difficult and draining so you can?t go it alone no matter how independent you are. Family and friends most probably want to help. Their availability may be limited so some extra planning is in order which may include hired home health care and investigating Hospice care in the latter stages. Most important is to speak to your oncologist and primary physician and together create a plan to activate and follow.

Read more:


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