Saturday, April 7, 2012

Psychological Measurement: A Psychometrics app for iPhone ...

Psychometrics (or psychological measurement) is the branch of psychology that deals with the design, construction and validation of quantitative tests for measuring aptitudes, attitudes, traits, knowledge, personality, and intelligence. Psychometrics is the second-most important content area in psychology next to statistics, yet many psychologists are unaware of its powerful tools and techniques. Indeed, statistician Andrew Gelman has referred to psychometrics as ?the most underrated science?.

Written by a M.A. in psychology who has developed and validated psychological tests, this educational/reference app provides detailed yet concise descriptions (including formulas) of over 50 psychometric terms in eleven categories:

- Measurement Scales
? Attitude Scales
? Variance and Covariance
? Correlation
? Classical Test Theory
? Reliability
? Validity
? Bias and Error
? Item Writing
? Item Analysis
? Standardization

Version 1.0 Features:
? Ability to e-mail and print topic pages
? Built-in tools for computing test reliability (Spearman-Brown formula) and disattenuated correlations
? Graphics are optimized for the iPhone Retina Display


iTunes Link

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