Saturday, June 9, 2012

Real Estate Investing as a Business | Instant Investor

One of the biggest mistakes real estate investors make and which costs them the most in lost potential profits is failing to treat this as a business.

Treating your real estate investing as a real business is essential for maximizing income and wealth and has many benefits.

For a start being more organized means being more profitable and getting the most out of the time put in. It also makes it a lot easier to deal with challenges and continue to operate when difficulties come.

Formally organizing yourself as a real estate investment company is also critical for separating your personal credit and assets and provides a ton of protection from liability. Without this it is too easy to end up bankrupting yourself and any lawsuits from tenants, buyers, sellers other investors or a divorce could see you losing everything you have in a very short period of time.

Organizing your daily activities as a real business also brings together many necessary elements for getting the most of your investments as well as time and money invested. Running a business requires systems, these can be scaled to enable you to grow your income effectively and make it easier to enroll the help of others when you get busy enough or have a personal emergency.

Those who really seek passive income must take this path. It doesn?t matter how much you love real estate investing or whether you are wholesaling, rehabbing acquiring rentals formulating a good model means that the business can continue to run and throw off income without your constant daily involvement. Otherwise if you get sick you are stuck or you may never have a chance to go on vacation and enjoy your profits without crippling your investments.

Perhaps the most important factor here that an overwhelming number of investors overlook is that incorporating a business an operating it professionally can also bring a ton of additional wealth from accumulating value and equity in the business itself. You may never plan to retire from real estate investing right now but wouldn?t it be smart to have to option to be able to sell your business for a few million or even be able to launch your own billion dollar IPO if you got tired of it, became disabled or needed a larger nest egg for providing for your heirs?

Like most other things in real estate investing this is much better done when approached correctly from the beginning. Know what elements are important for building a real business which is also salable or at least can attract franchisees. This includes keeping good records and definitely means building branding with unified domain names, social profiles business phone numbers etc, all of which accumulate value too. Otherwise when you get it in 5 to 10 years from now you may have to start all over from scratch and day one of building a business. This may not be a requirement for flipping houses or buying rentals but it is smart to start working on it as soon as possible.

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