Tuesday, June 26, 2012

SongFic [23-30th June] "Like Ships In The Night"

Like Ships In The Night

Like ships in the night
You keep passing me by
We're just wasting time
Trying to prove who's right
And if it all goes crashing into the sea
If it's just you and me
Trying to find the light

"NO!" A scream pierced the silent house suddenly before small footsteps slammed against the wooden floor of the upstairs corridor before moving quickly down the stairs. It was the middle of the night, most people were in bed.

It was too late. He was gone. Her chocolate eyes searched the downstairs floors as she made her way through the house checking for him. He was nowhere in sight. Passing several windows she saw who she was looking for on the outside, struggling with several people.

"Nix!" She called out.

Panic coursed through her body, the tears running steadily down her cheeks. The front door was locked and her small fists pound hard against the solid oak hoping somehow to break through in her distress. She was unsuccessful in her attempt though. She needed to see Nix. The window.

Like ships in the night letting cannon balls fly
Say what you mean and it turns to a fight
Fist fly from my mouth as it turns south
You're down the driveway... I'm on the couch

Her small feet took her into the sitting room where she jumped up onto the white sofa. When she'd first heard that he was going to be taken away, she'd thrown on her boots which were still muddy from playing in the field earlier that day. She was going to be in big trouble when they came downstairs. The consequences of her actions didn't cross the girl's mind as she shoved open the curtains and lifted up the cotton netting that prevented people from looking inside.

There he was trying to fight them. Four men invaded the vast expanse of the front yard leading to the mansion, a white van parked at the entrance, a metal collar was attached to Nix and on a long metal pole. She pressed her palms to the glass. Her chocolate, water-clogged eyes stared into the darkness and to where Nix was struggling. A small distress call left her mouth and in turn left his. His head turned to look at her and for a moment time stopped, the memories of their time together flooding her brain and causing her heart to break at the same time.

Chasing your dreams since the violent 5th grade
Trying to believe in your silent own way
Cause we'll be ok... I'm not going away
Like you watched at fourteen as it went down the drain

There was a communication between the two at that point. Cianna's tear-stained face pressed harder against the cold glass. Nix stood still, staring at the little girl in the window and acknowledging her presence. The men wrestled trying to get him into the van to no avail.

"Nix, don't leave me. Please don't leave me." Cianna cried despite her friend not being able to hear her. He knew though. He knew what she'd said and spoke back.

"Don't worry, cause we'll be okay... I'm not going away." She heard his words but it did little to comfort her.

"But I need you. I love you. You're all I have left."

"I'll be fine. I'll come back. I promise. You'll never be alone." The promise didn't console the little girl. Her eyes darted to a man in white that was getting some sort of gun ready.

"Nix! No!" She screamed.

Hands touched her shoulder. "Cianna, are you okay?" His voice was laced with concern as he knelt down to her level.

She turned and saw the doctor. "Get off me! This is your fault. All your fault. You hear me? You've sent him away! Make you're men stop! Make them stop! They're hurting him." The little girl was getting herself into a state all over again.

The doctor looked out the window and saw nothing but darkness. "Nothing is out there, Cianna. It's okay. Let's take you back to your room."

"No! He's out there."

Turn the lights down low
Walk these halls alone
We can feel so far from so close

And I'm gonna find my way
Back to your side
And I'm gonna find my way
Back to your side

"Calm down, Cianna. Who's out there?"

"Nix! You're men are taking him away. Make them stop."

The doctor nodded in understanding and looked out the window again. For the first time since hearing Nix call for her she had hope that it was now all going to stop. That Nix would come back to her safe and sound.

The doctor stood up and looked at a nurse. "Look after Cianna for a minute, Doris."

The female nurse came to comfort Cianna, but the little girl was already pressing her face back against the window to check on Nix. She watched the doctor move outside. It was the first time she realised that it was raining. Now she could hardly see Nix and the men. She was glad for the light. The doctor went over to the men, speaking to them. She couldn't hear what was being said though.

"Turn the lights down low. Walk these halls alone. We can feel so far from so close." Nix spoke to her, confusing Cianna for a minute. She glared harder through the glass. Nix looked at her once more. His eyes betrayed the situation. "I'm gunna find my way back to your side.".

"No. No!" Cianna shook her head, becoming more frantic. The doctor moved to head back inside the house. The men with Nix didn't release him, instead starting to struggle with the beast again, trying to get him inside the van. Cianna immediately started running for the front door, the tears renewed.

The doctor grabbed her before she could exit. "NIX!" Cianna screamed.

"Get the sedatives." The doctor ordered as he held Cianna while she kicked and screamed for Nix at the top of her voice. "He's gone, Cianna. He's gone. It's okay..."

Nothing could calm her down though. The nurse came back with the drug that would calm the little girl down. This wasn't the first time she'd gotten herself into this state. It happened on a daily basis. With Nix disposed of though, they were hoping it would be the last time. The liquid soon entered her system and started it's magic, relaxing her in the doctors arms before she was moved to a wheelchair and moved back to her room.

The doctor took one last look outside to where the beast was supposed to have been. There never had been a 'scene' outside. Cianna had made it all up in her mind, just like she'd created Nix, the big beast that was a cross between Pegasus and a dog. Black, with giant wings protruding from his back. It was one of the many things Cianna had created to deal with the trauma of everything since her parents died.

A girl about five years old ran through a field of flowers. Behind her a dog chased her. Big and black, he was much like a wolf, the only difference was the giant white wings coming out of his back. A grin sat on both of their faces. Cianna was happy. It was one of the few times she was happy since her parents death. Her hair and dress blew in the wind. The sound of the girl's laughter mingled with the wind. Perfection.

And for the last time, a smile found it's way onto Cianna's lips as she was placed into bed.

Like ships in the night
You keep passing me by
We're just wasting time
Trying to prove who's right
And if it all goes crashing into the sea
If it's just you and me
Trying to find the light
Like ships in the night
You're passing me by
You're passing me by
Like ships in the night

Cianna and Nix
Drawing by Arluar, colouring by Curtsive

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