Saturday, February 25, 2012

Inspiring Speakers' Resource Centre | Inspirational, Motivational ...

I thought today I?d tell you a bit more about our newest resource here on the Inspiring Speakers website.

Our Speaker Resource Centre?has long been a valuable source of information on how best to market and promote yourself as a professional speaker. Our eBookstore offers a number of training resources to help you leverage social media, develop and sell your own information products, expand your client base, hone your marketing skills and optimize your website. Some of our most popular eBooks include:

? Google: Traffic Tips, Tactics and Strategies

? Understanding SEO

? How to Write Quality Targeted Content

? Facebook Pro

? Twitter Secrets ? Google Analytics: Uses and Tips

This week we?ve added a new section to our Speaker Resource Centre, a series of teleseminar resources?for building your speaking business. Here you?ll find recordings of teleseminars and webinars presented by experts in the professional speaking business.

Some of the presentations I?m most excited to explore are:

? ?Let Me Illustrate My Point: Illuminating Your Presentations With Simple Drawings? by award-winning author, illustrator and marketing consultant Mike Artell.

? ?Is Twitter a Presenter?s Nightmare or a Dream Come True?? by Cliff Atkinson, the author of the bestselling book Beyond Bullet Points.

? ?Using Stand-Up Comedy Secrets to ?Funny Up? Your Presentations? by Judy Carter, who has shared the stage with some of America?s top comedians, including Jerry Seinfeld, Jay Leno and Robin Williams.

? ?Slide-ology: Lessons From an Academy Award?Winning Slide Strategist? by Nancy Duarte, who we wrote about here?on the Inspired Speakers Blog just last week.

? ?Impact and Income Beyond the Stage: Leverage Your Speaking Career Into an Expert Empire? by Josh Shipp, the subject of the fascinating Inc. article ?The Art and Business of Motivational Speaking.?

Plus, there?s over 200 more! Take a look at the list of teleseminars and webinars. These resources are sure to empower you to take your speaking business to the next level.

To your speaking success!


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