Saturday, February 11, 2012

Self Defense-non Lethal Self Defense Items-product Reviews

Nonlethal self defense items have been around one and one form or another for generations. Pepper sprays got their start in the 1300?s when the Chinese started throwing bags of hot spices at their enemies. They?ve come along way since then, of course. Stun guns were invented in the early 1900?s when a farmer needed a way to get his cattle moving a little bit more efficiently so he invented a cattle prod. Stun guns have come a long way since then.

Of course there are many other reasons to choose a nonlethal alternative. But these products have become extremely successful in the last decade.

They developed a tremendous track record with military and law enforcement use. Next time you see a police officer look at his utility belt or ask him why he carries a pepper spray and some kind of stun device. He?ll tell you that they?re very effective in subduing criminals without resorting to deadly force.

They?re basically three categories of self defense items. They are:

1. Stun devices-usually we think of stun guns. Stun guns interrupt the neuro-muscular system for anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes. A 3 to 5 second application causes the body to over work very rapidly similar to running a marathon. It depletes the body of all blood sugars so there?s no energy left. Tasers work by shooting out two electrified barbs that when they hit the target overrides the central nervous system providing incredible take down power-greater than a 9 mm handgun. They have almost 100 percent stopping power.

2. Defensive sprays-also known as pepper sprays. They use a derivative of cayenne pepper, which is one of the hottest in the world known as oleoresin capsicum or OC for short. It can be delivered in the form of a mist, foam or gel. The range is up to as much as 25 feet for a pepper gun but usually in the 8 to 10 foot range. A spray in the face of OC spray causes choking, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and swells the veins of the eyes causing the eyes to close. And oh yeah how about some pain. Lots of it.

3. Personal alarms-are really defensive noisemakers. They are very effective in a variety of situations. When you?re under attack or feel threatened in a remote location a blast of a 125 dB personal alarm will draw attention to your situation from nearby citizens and will frighten most assailants away. These are the perfect self defense products for women.

When are you getting some?

If you are in the market for a self defense product look for quality, effectiveness, and a biggie-LEGALITY. Stun guns are not legal in some states. Check with your local police department first before you get one.


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